Credit Card Processing By Square Inc.

Square allows you to accept Credit Cards anywhere. You can use a smartphone to accept credit cards on-site, or use their website to send invoices that can be paid online. Some features include:

  • FREE Credit Card Reader & App
  • ONLY 2.75% FEE
  • 1-2 day Deposits to any Bank Account
  • Keep track of all transcations & customers(Cash, Check, Card, etc)
  • Setup customers on a recurring billing cycle or keep card on file for easy billing

GET $1000 FREE! When you signup using the link below, you will receive $1000 worth of free credit card processing in your first 180 days. That means there is abosuletely NO fee on your first $1000 in credit card transactions processed through square. After that, it is only 2.75% of each credit card sale!

Sign-up Now